Minggu, 28 Mei 2017



Themes: renewable energy
Title: nuclear as NUCLEAR PLANTS in Indonesia

As Nuclear PLANTS In Indonesia

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh.
Good day,
Designation. Miss early
As well as friends that I hold dear
Thank God praise be to God who bestows his grace to us so we were given the opportunity to participate in the meeting today. Well today I'll talk about nuclear.
Nuclear is a safe alternative source of energy evolved in indonesia and indonesia have the potential for the development of it. Probably most of the people be afraid when I first heard about nuclear? its also posibble our well? Why?
It is because our minds have been poisoned by an event of nuclear bombs in Japan and nuclear leakage events that impacted badly on the community. The question is why should we fear while Japan ever nuclear bomb just now becoming a great country that utilizes nuclear as NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS.
Big countries like the US, France, has been utilizing its NUCLEAR PLANTS as nuclear and proved the country had managed to become developed countries now. Then indonesia where?
Well, here I am going to straighten our perception of nuclear.
First, the premier, the second third is secure, nuclear, low cost, and produces little pollution.
First, the nuclear development in indonesia. It can be in terms of experience and raw materials that are available. Indonesia has an abundance of nuclear raw material untapped i.e. large nuclear raw material namely uranium. Backup 70,000 tons of uranium and thorium 117,000 tons in bangka belitung, West kalimantan, papua, and West sulawesi (between, 2013). The reserves of uranium that can generate electricity about 1,400 mw in 1,000 years, while reserves of thorium could produce electricity of about 117,000 mw in 1,000 years. In terms of the experience of indonesia has operated the first atomic reactor triga mark ii (1965) in bandung, yogyakarta, kartini reactor (1979), and a versatile reactor siwabessy (1987). However, until now the Indonesian people have not mastered nuclear technology for NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. In fact, look at rate the chances of nuclear energy in relation to the future is the potential sources that could be said to be unlimited. After the uranium-235 used timeout (estimated in 50 years with a rate of consumption now), next generation NUCLEAR POWER PLANT would use uranium-238 which is converted to plutonium-239. Uranium 238 reserves that can be mined economically can supply an estimated NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS of which there are now over 3000 years. Compare with reserves of coal, oil and gas will end after masing2 210, 40, and 70 years of electric generation Process it does not absolve the fumes or dust containing heavy metals dumped into the environment or release harmful particles, such as co2, so2, and No2 to environment, so it is a NUCLEAR power plant that is environmentally friendly. Radioactive waste resulting from the operation of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS is a former fuel elements in the form of solid. This former fuel elements for a while can be stored in the location of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS before storage is done sustainably.
Furthermore, in terms of nuclear safety. It has been presented above that nuclear energy produces little waste and can be stored safely. In their subjects include environmentally friendly nuclear waste because of its production a little compared with fossil fuel because it does not produce heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, plumbum, as well as gas emissions such as SO2, VHC. Nuclear power plants use fission reaction (separation process of atoms becomes smaller core).
Furthermore, in terms of cost, indonesia has an abundance of nuclear scattered throughout the country and also therefore the nuclear charge was minimal. It was different from the fossil fuels that are now endangered.
And the last in terms of global warming, NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS do not produce greenhouse gas emissions one bit, whereas the fossil-fueled plants instead, because the reaction is different. Gas emission of provide courtesy PLN with a total of 20,059 mw (2013) has issued emissions of about 120 million tons of co2 per year. On the contrary, from the development program that is being rolled out 35,000 mw to provide composition is approximately 50% (17,500 mw) which will add 87% of co2 emissions. Nuclear electric 19.5% (98.639 mw), and based on the results of the survey, 83% of the public supports NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS adjacent to nuclear energy (NEI, 2015).
Therefore, this nuclear energy needs to be further reviewed and thought well. Indonesia has a very good potential in nuclear development. Why should we be glued to the deterioration of the past? To make indonesia a better we should do one big step. And daring in action. Once again the nuclear energy is energy that is safe, the availability of abundant, cheap, mass produced small but great energy, and reduces global warming. Therefore, Let's eliminate the paradigm of a barrier to mass ahead of us and let's support nuclear in indonesia for indonesia better.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarokatuh ... ....

1 komentar:

  1. Wah keren euy bahasa inggrisnya. ajarin atuh lah.

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